In the first of which I am sure will be many more posts, I wish to officially announce the arrival in June of SUGAR BOOGER #2!
It's been six years since the last full color issue (he made a 6 page appearance in Bete Noire #1 published by Fantagraphics last year)and I figured it was about time I got off my butt and put out another one! This one will be a bit bigger, a whole lot longer, and will contain a few special guest appearances (TBA). Check my blog for updates and other news as it becomes available. It will be debuting at my table at the MOCCA arts festival in NYC on June 23rd and 24th at the historic puck building.

  • moccany
  • 1 comment:

    Bob Flynn said...

    Congratulations! I definitely wan to learn more about this. Keep us posted!